Saturday Update

4/20/24 Saturday 7:45 am

We may see a couple of high-elevation snow showers with light showers across the lower and mid-elevations. Or not. The models show it happening but accumulations are so low I question how much precipitation can make it to the ground in all but the highest locations. The models show the precip developing after 11 am, we will see.

Then what?? Models agree that beginning tomorrow it should warm up and our famous seasonal winds will return. From this point on the models disagree. The GFS tries to introduce afternoon showers beginning on Tuesday. The other models wait until the end of the week.

There is slightly better agreement for NEXT weekend. Models show a pattern change with a storm track setting up over SW Colorado. I am not going to hold my breath. Why is it always NEXT weekend?

I have heard from several people who have “summerized” their winter equipment. I am strongly considering doing that as well. That may be the key to getting one more large winter storm in the area.

I have also had people reach out and ask where I have been, and asking if I am losing an interest in the weather. Neither could be farther from the truth, but I have been posting less than I used to during these boring stretches, and I should let followers know why.

For the first time in my life, I have had to become a full-time round-the-clock caretaker of another. It occupies a lot of time and is a very reactionary responsibility that makes it virtually impossible to plan well. It is also my number one responsibility rarely does a single day go as planned.

The only reason I share this (and I was intentionally vague with the details) is that many people depend on my guidance when the weather affects people’s lives, and I have no plans to stop providing that service.

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One thought on “Saturday Update

  1. Jenny Tolbert

    Hey there Jeff ~
    Thank You for sharing your personal challenges. I am so sorry.
    Caregiving is hard work.
    Sending You Prayers 🙏🏽

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