Saturday Update

6/3/23 Saturday 7 am

24 hours ago the models were showing a slight uptick in shower coverage today and tomorrow. That no longer is the case today. The models are now showing a downturn in shower coverage from yesterday. Showers will be isolated with the best chances of development occurring in the northern high-elevation areas, and the far eastern portions of the forecast area closer to the continental divide.

More of the same for Sunday, with maybe a slightly better chance of showers. Then an even better chance of scattered showers on Monday. At the moment Tuesday and Wednesday look wet, with widespread showers returning. This will occur as a result of sub-tropical moisture being pulled across the area from Texas and New Mexico. Something to keep an eye on.

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One thought on “Saturday Update

  1. MO

    HEAVY downpour on 502 just south of lemon and Vallecito started around 2:15pm 6/3/23. 2:42 now and still raining lightly.

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